Ethanol Production
KATZEN designs the most advanced and efficient ethanol production facilities in the world. Our designs set the world standard for ethanol process and equipment technology.
KATZEN provides technology and engineering services for ethanol production facilities with production capacities ranging from less than 1 million to 480 million liters per year. Feedstocks used include renewable resources such as raw sugar, cane juice, sugar beets, molasses, cheese whey, corn and corn starch, wheat and wheat starches, whole and dehulled barley, grain sorghum, wine alcohol, potatoes and potato starch, cassava, bagasse, pulp sludges and waste paper. The grades of ethanol produced from these feedstocks include motor fuel grade, rectified spirits, industrial ethanol, as well as a range of potable alcohols including light and heavy rums and vodka spirits.
Our proprietary ethanol distillation and dehydration systems are based on multi-pressure-level vapor re-use and heat recovery. These systems effectively reduce energy requirements for ethanol recovery and purification to the lowest level in the industry.
Specialty Chemicals
KATZEN has a long history of design of specialty chemical processes. Over the years, we have been involved in the development of processes for production of furfural from wood and agricultural residues. Our experience covers a period of over 45 years and includes consulting and design work on most of the furfural production facilities in the Western Hemisphere. Additionally, KATZEN offers processes for the effective removal of sulfur dioxide from stack gases commercially, as well as designs for processing cyanuric chloride from hydrogen cyanide or sodium cyanide.
Technology Development
KATZEN has always been active in developing advanced technology. Such development results from in-house ideas about new or improved processes and our role in the research and development projects of our clients. Many of these developments have led to commercialization of our own and our clients' proprietary processes. We have developed improved and more economic technologies in the chemical process field and in the areas of pollution abatement, alternative fuels, and energy conservation.