Bioagra S.A.
Located in Goswinowice, Poland, in 2015 Bioagra added a new KATZEN-designed VHQ™ (Very High Quality) neutral grade distillation system that was integrated into their existing ethanol facility which had been designed and started-up by KATZEN in August, 2009. This new distillation system, capable of producing 75,000 liters/day of neutral grade ethanol product, has enabled the plant to enter the lucrative market of very high quality neutral grade ethanol used for beverage and pharmaceutical. The neutral ethanol product produced at Bioagra contains less than 1 part per million of all impurities combined. The ethanol facility which processes very high moisture corn now produces fuel grade , industrial grade and very high quality neutral grade ethanol products.
Currently under construction is an expansion project which will double Bioagra’s industrial grade capacity to 300,000 liters per day and overall production to 750,000 liters per day.
KATZEN provided to Bioagra our detailed process design package as well as on-site support for construction, commissioning, start-up services, and plant operations.